Organic Chemistry [CUET PG]
Price : ₹99.00
Included Exams List : -
Exam | Code | Start at |
Stereochemistry | SCY1 | -- |
General Organic Chemistry | GOC | -- |
Reactive Intermediate | RIR | -- |
Reaction Mechanism & Name Reaction | RMN | -- |
Alcohols ,Phenol, Ethers, Epoxides | 768 | -- |
amines | bjbj | -- |
Chemistry Of Halogenated Hydrocarbons | dsfv | -- |
hydrocarbons | fffd | -- |
Basic Organic Chemistry | BOC1 | -- |
Carbonyl Compounds , Carboxylic Acid | fds | -- |
Aromaticity | AR1 | -- |
Organic Spectroscopy | OS1 | -- |
Alkaloids ,Terpenes &Polynuclear Hydrocarbons | ATP1 | -- |
Heterocyclic Compounds | HC1 | -- |
MOCK TEST 6n | MOCK6 | -- |
Description : -
In this Organic Chemistry Package , Total 14 Units of CUET PG Organic Section as per syllabus .
Units Covered General Orgainc Chemistry , Stereochemistry , Reaction Intermediate , Reaction Mechanism , Name Reaction .,Organic Spectroscopy ,Terpenes ,Alkaloids ,Heterocyclic Compounds ,Polynuclear Hydrocarbons ,Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups ,Sulphur containing compounds ,Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives ,Carbonyl Compounds ,Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides ,Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons ,Carbon-Carbon pi-bonds.
All chapter test contain 25 question with time duration 30 minutes . Total Marks 100 . ,Cycloalkanes and Conformational Analysis ,Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,Chemistry of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons